Syfe’s flagship fully-managed, globally diversified portfolios, curated to meet all your essential
financial goals.
Effortlessly invest in equities, bonds and commodities across countries and sectors.
Professionally managed by experts with our proprietary systematic investing strategy.
Built with best-in-class ETFs that offer broad market exposure at low cost.
Portfolios at a glance
Invest in one or more portfolios based on your goals, time horizon
and risk tolerance.
Investments focused on equity markets that seek to provide high levels of capital appreciation over time.

Investments focused on equity markets that seek to provide high levels of capital appreciation over time.

long-term gains
Source: Syfe internal backtested data provided by underlying ETF participants and/or supported by the historical securities data. Annualised past return is the geometric average calculated on daily NAVs with gross income reinvested over the backtested period. The backtested period is as of {insert_date}. The returns are calculated before management fees. Different customer tiers will have different fee structures and performance may not be the same.
Past returns are not a guarantee for future performance.

Source: Syfe internal backtested data provided by underlying ETF participants and/or supported by the historical securities data. Annualised past return is the geometric average calculated on daily NAVs with gross income reinvested over the backtested period. The backtested period is as of {insert_date}. The returns are calculated before management fees. Different customer tiers will have different fee structures and performance may not be the same.
Past returns are not a guarantee for future performance.

Investments with greater allocation to equities or higher yielding assets that typically aim to provide mostly capital appreciation and/or high income potential.

Investments with greater allocation to equities or higher yielding assets that typically aim to provide mostly capital appreciation and/or high income potential.

medium to long term growth
Source: Syfe internal backtested data provided by underlying ETF participants and/or supported by the historical securities data. Annualised past return is the geometric average calculated on daily NAVs with gross income reinvested over the backtested period. The backtested period is as of {insert_date}. The returns are calculated before management fees. Different customer tiers will have different fee structures and performance may not be the same.
Past returns are not a guarantee for future performance.

Source: Syfe internal backtested data provided by underlying ETF participants and/or supported by the historical securities data. Annualised past return is the geometric average calculated on daily NAVs with gross income reinvested over the backtested period. The backtested period is as of {insert_date}. The returns are calculated before management fees. Different customer tiers will have different fee structures and performance may not be the same.
Past returns are not a guarantee for future performance.

Investments that typically aim to provide a balance of income and capital appreciation.

Investments that typically aim to provide a balance of income and capital appreciation.

balancing risk and return
Source: Syfe internal backtested data provided by underlying ETF participants and/or supported by the historical securities data. Annualised past return is the geometric average calculated on daily NAVs with gross income reinvested over the backtested period. The backtested period is as of {insert_date}. The returns are calculated before management fees. Different customer tiers will have different fee structures and performance may not be the same.
Past returns are not a guarantee for future performance.

Source: Syfe internal backtested data provided by underlying ETF participants and/or supported by the historical securities data. Annualised past return is the geometric average calculated on daily NAVs with gross income reinvested over the backtested period. The backtested period is as of {insert_date}. The returns are calculated before management fees. Different customer tiers will have different fee structures and performance may not be the same.
Past returns are not a guarantee for future performance.

Preservation of capital and the generation of regular income slightly above inflation or short-term money market rates.

Preservation of capital and the generation of regular income slightly above inflation or short-term money market rates.

steady appreciation
Source: Syfe internal backtested data provided by underlying ETF participants and/or supported by the historical securities data. Annualised past return is the geometric average calculated on daily NAVs with gross income reinvested over the backtested period. The backtested period is as of {insert_date}. The returns are calculated before management fees. Different customer tiers will have different fee structures and performance may not be the same.
Past returns are not a guarantee for future performance.

Source: Syfe internal backtested data provided by underlying ETF participants and/or supported by the historical securities data. Annualised past return is the geometric average calculated on daily NAVs with gross income reinvested over the backtested period. The backtested period is as of {insert_date}. The returns are calculated before management fees. Different customer tiers will have different fee structures and performance may not be the same.
Past returns are not a guarantee for future performance.

Past performance
Equity-heavy portfolios are more volatile but tend to outperform in the long run. No matter your risk appetite, we believe in staying invested over time.
Past returns are shown for illustrative purposes only. They are calculated before fees and in USD terms unless otherwise specified. The past returns since inception (31 March 2022) are based on model portfolios returns which may not fully account for trading costs, tax implications and timing impacts. Past returns prior to portfolio inception date are based on our internal backtested data with information obtained from underlying fund managers. Past returns are not a guarantee for future performance.
Last update: 31 May 2023 14:30 SGT
Stocks in US-listed technology companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Visa, Cisco, Intel etc
Stocks in US-listed technology companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Visa, Cisco, Intel etc
Stocks in US-listed technology companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Visa, Cisco, Intel etc
Stocks in US-listed technology companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Visa, Cisco, Intel etc
Stocks in US-listed technology companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Visa, Cisco, Intel etc
Comparing portfolios
Get started with or diversify your investments with a portfolio that best suits your needs.
core equity100
risk rating
annualised returns (8Y)
asset allocation
recommended investment horizon
(10+ years)
core growth
core balanced
core defensive
Moderately high
Moderately low
(5+ years)
(3+ years)
(2+ years)
Why invest with Syfe?
Learn how our Core portfolios stack against other strategies like traditional ETF investing.
syfe core
diy etf investing
brokerage account
Not required
expected returns
Per index
Dependent on
individual skill and experience
automatic dividend reinvestment
biannual rebalancing
management fees
All-inclusive fee at
0.35% to 0.65% p.a.
Usually payable per trade

Smart Beta
investment strategy
Built on principles of diversification, cost-effectiveness, and generating better long term risk-adjusted returns. Our portfolios are constructed using a systematic approach and optimised to enhance long-term returns and reduce volatility.
learn moreFAQs
How do Core portfolios work?
Syfe Core portfolios hold equities, bonds and gold in varying allocations. We use exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and individual stocks to represent each asset class to ensure that each portfolio is broadly diversified across sectors and geographies.
Our portfolio methodology for Syfe Core rests on three guiding principles:
Asset Class Risk Budgeting
Smart Beta
Stable asset allocation
Please see more details of our portfolio construction methodology
When will Core portfolios be rebalanced?
The Core portfolios will be rebalanced twice a year in April and October in accordance with our asset allocation risk budgeting strategy and optimized exposure to smart beta factors that maximizes the long term risk-adjusted returns for the respective Core portfolios.
Can I have multiple Core portfolios?
Yes, you can create different Core portfolios for your different investing goals. For instance, you may invest in Core Growth for a long-term goal like retirement and choose Core Defensive for a short-term goal such as a house downpayment.