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Cash+ Flexi USD

Gross Yield of


% p.a.

Fund-level fee
100% Trailer fee rebate
Syfe management fee

Projected returns

Maximise every dollar. Compound returns over time even on your idle cash.

investment of
At 3.7% p.a. returns for 1 year
you will get

Our investment strategy

Cash+ Flexi USD is a discretionary portfolio management service provided by Syfe. It is composed of money market funds which invest in short-term deposits and high quality money market investments.

The objective of Cash+ Flexi USD is to enable investors to achieve a return in US Dollars in line with or above the prevailing money market rates, with primary considerations of maintaining low risk and high liquidity. Cash+ Flexi USD is built for investors looking to earn higher returns on their idle cash while preserving their capital and is suitable for their immediate and near-term cash needs.

Syfe may alter the constituents and/or rebalance the allocations at any time in accordance with the objective of Cash+ Flexi.

*Cash+ Flexi USD is a low risk rated discretionary portfolio management service. It is not a savings or deposit product at a bank. Investments involve risks and Cash+ Flexi USD does not provide any guarantee or assurance of returns.