Invest in globally-diversified portfolios designed to meet your financial goals.
Core Equity100
Maximised returns with 100% exposure to global stocks.
Core Growth
Risk-adjusted returns with a focus on stocks.
Core Balanced
Optimised asset allocation balancing risk and return.
Core Defensive
Steady returns with a focus on bonds.
Passive Income
Optimise for yield and receive regular payouts for all of life’s needs.
Earn regular, diversified income with a tax-efficient, actively-managed bond portfolio powered by PIMCO®.
Income+ Preserve
Steady income with capital preservation.
Income+ Enhance
Higher income with capital appreciation.
Generate attractive dividends by investing in Singapore’s top properties through one convenient portfolio.
100% REITs
Passive income from Singapore’s largest REITs.
REITs with Risk Management
All the benefits of REITs, diversified with bonds to reduce risk.
For those who want more, invest in themes and specialised investment strategies.
Protected Portfolios
Maximised returns while automatically implementing strategies to also protect against losses.
Align your convictions and investments. Express your views with thematic portfolios like ESG and China Growth.