SRS Portfolios

The Better place
for your SRS
Go beyond simply tax savings, and accelerate your retirement goals with our bank-beating returns.
Invest now
Accelerate your SRS returns with our industry-leading, cost-efficient investment solutions.
Reduce yearly taxable income and enjoy tax-deferred investment gains.
Easily manage all of your investments on one seamless platform.
Grow your SRS with our curated portfolios
Invest in one or more portfolios based on your goals, time horizon and risk tolerance.
Core Equity100
Investments focused on equity markets that seek to provide high levels of capital appreciation over time.

Investments focused on equity markets that seek to provide high levels of capital appreciation over time.

100% Global Equities
Best-in-class INDEX FUNDS
Expertly Managed
comparison TABLE
CORE equity100 SRS
Returns p.a. (last 8 years)
Portfolio Management
Passively managed with factor based enhancements
Fund Level Fees
Active Funds based Equity Portfolio
Passive Index
Actively managed
Not possible to invest in the index
*Active funds based equity portfolio returns range assumes lower returns due to higher fees and active management underperformance.
Past returns are shown for illustrative purposes only. They are calculated before fees and in USD terms unless otherwise specified. The past returns since inception (31 March 2020) are based on model portfolios returns which may not fully account for trading costs, tax implications and timing impacts. Past returns prior to portfolio inception date are based on our internal backtested data with information obtained from underlying fund managers. Past returns are not a guarantee for future performance.
Source: Syfe’s Research as of 31 August 2024
Investments that typically aim to provide a balance of income and capital appreciation.

Investments that typically aim to provide a balance of income and capital appreciation.

Monthly Dividends
No-lock ins
comparison TABLE
Income+ SRS
DIRECT Unit Trusts
Yield to maturity (%)
% p.a.
6.1% p.a. (Average)
Dividend Taxes
Trailer Fee Rebate is a fee that a fund manager pays intermediaries. The rebate is usually applicable when the fund’s share class is retail. Currently, Syfe passes on to clients any trailer fee rebates it receives for any of the constituent funds of Income+ portfolios. Please refer to our Investment Strategy to see which funds are rebated.

Trailer Fee Rebate is a fee that a fund manager pays intermediaries. The rebate is usually applicable when the fund’s share class is retail. Currently, Syfe passes on to clients any trailer fee rebates it receives for any of the constituent funds of Income+ portfolios. Please refer to our Investment Strategy to see which funds are rebated.

Optimised to minimise
withholding taxes
Depends on fund domicile
FX Risk
SGD Hedged
Depends on fund denomination
Fund Level fees
(Institutional funds)
(Retail funds)
Management / Access fees
0.25% to 0.65%
0.3 - 1.0% (Access fees) +
3.0 - 5.0% (Sales charges)
Portfolio and fund management
The portfolio is managed and advised by Syfe informed by PIMCO's forward looking views. Funds composed in the portfolio are actively managed by PIMCO.
Fund is managed by a single fund manager with a set objective. Fund managers seek to outperform market or benchmark.
Cash+ Flexi (SGD)
Preservation / relative safety of invested capital with returns in line with short-term money market rates.

Preservation / relative safety of invested capital with returns in line with short-term money market rates.

no lock-ins, No Minimums
accelerate your returns
comparison TABLE
Cash+ Flexi (SGD)
Yield / Interest (%)
3.3% - 3.4%*
Very Low
Bank Savings Account
Fixed Deposits
6 months
6 - 12 months
Early withdrawal penalties apply
No early redemption
*Projected yield as of 30 Apr 2024
Source: Treasury Bills Statistics (mas.gov.sg), DBS 6 month FD rate as of May 2024.
Cash+ is a low risk investment portfolio managed by Syfe. It is not a savings or deposit product at a bank. Investments involve risk and Cash+ does not provide any guarantee or assurance of returns.
Steps to invest in your SRS
Whether you're a new investor or transferring funds from another platform, discover how easy it is to invest in SRS with Syfe through our simple step-by-step process.
Why invest your SRS funds
tax savings
Lower your taxable income when you contribute to your SRS; SRS contributions are tax-deductible and can bring about significant tax savings.
beat inflation
Inflation reduces the value of money, meaning that the same amount will buy you less in the future, and investing your SRS funds can help you to keep up with inflation.
Potential for Higher Returns
Investing your SRS funds a diversified portfolio, such as stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, can potentially yield higher returns compared to leaving your funds in a low-interest account.
Your SRS funds can be invested in a variety of instruments including our Core Equity100, Income+, and Cash+ Flexi portfolios. This allows you to tailor your investment strategy based on your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Don’t have SRS yet?
SRS is a great way to save on taxes and grow your retirement funds. Find out how much you can save below.
asset class
100 %
CapitaLand Ascott Trust
Real estate and real estate-related assets which are income-producing and predominantly used, as serviced residences, rental housing properties, and other hospitality assets.
CapitaLand Ascott Trust
Real estate and real estate-related assets which are income-producing and predominantly used, as serviced residences, rental housing properties, and other hospitality assets.
CapitaLand Ascott Trust
Real estate and real estate-related assets which are income-producing and predominantly used, as serviced residences, rental housing properties, and other hospitality assets.
CapitaLand Ascott Trust
Real estate and real estate-related assets which are income-producing and predominantly used, as serviced residences, rental housing properties, and other hospitality assets.
11.57 %
Industrial REITs 4
REITs Copy 2
Industrial REITs 4
Industrial REITs 4
Industrial REITs 4
Industrial REITs 4
11.57 %
Core Equity100
Past returns
11.57 %
11.57 %
11.57 %
What are the advantages of contributing to SRS?
At a glance, here are the advantages of contributing to SRS.
1. More savings to draw on when you retire. Enjoy tax savings for every dollar saved into your SRS bank account.
2. You can make your SRS funds work even harder by investing them to accumulate tax-free gains in the SRS bank account.
Unless invested, funds in your SRS bank account only earn 0.05% p.a.
How can I start investing my SRS funds with Syfe?
Investing your SRS funds with Syfe is quick and easy. You may follow the below steps :
1. Open an SRS bank account with an SRS bank operator (DBS/POSB, OCBC, UOB).
2. Once your SRS bank account is open, you may contribute into your DBS/POSB or OCBC or UOB account
3. Once your above SRS bank account is ready, log into your Syfe app or website to select the portfolio you would like to invest in.
Provide your SRS bank details and deposit instructions (refer to this link to know how to find your SRS bank details). Your SRS bank details will be saved upon this step. In case you need to update your SRS bank account details or personal particulars such as changes to your NRIC/FIN, please reach out to [email protected].
4. Provide some additional personal details, employment & income details to continue onboarding to SRS portfolios.
5. Once the details are submitted, we will work on your instruction to debit funds from your SRS bank account. After debiting, we will invest your funds into your chosen portfolio. Please visit here to understand more about the various stages of investment.
What are the portfolios that I can invest on Syfe with SRS?
Syfe offers various investment options that can help you achieve significantly higher returns compared to the 0.05% annual yield from keeping your SRS funds in your SRS bank account.
By investing in Cash+ Flexi SGD, Income+ Preserve, Income+ Enhance, or Core Equity100, your SRS funds have the potential to grow over 70 times more than if left uninvested in DBS/POSB, OCBC, or UOB accounts.
Can I invest all the funds in my SRS bank account?
Yes, you can invest all the available funds in your SRS bank account. To check your SRS balance, log in to the mobile app or the website of the bank where you opened your SRS bank account.
If you don't have an SRS bank account and would like to open one, please click here to learn more. Please note that while there is a cap on the yearly contributions to your SRS bank account based on your Singapore residential status, you can still invest more than the annual contribution limit. For example, as a foreigner, the maximum contribution for 2024 is S$35,700.
However, for example, if you or your employer have been contributing to your SRS bank account over the years and your balance is S$100,000, you can choose to invest the full S$100,000 in 2024, not just the S$35,700.
Keep in mind that funds in your SRS bank account only earn 0.05% p.a. if not invested. To explore ways to boost your retirement savings, click here to learn more about Syfe.