The great Albert Einstein once said that “
compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn’t, pays it.”. So, what exactly is compound interest?
Simply put, compound interest refers to interest received on top of the money you've already earned. Compounding rewards patience and discipline, turning small contributions into substantial wealth over the long haul. This creates a snowball effect that accelerates the growth trajectory of your portfolio.
For example, your bank has an interest rate of just 1.7%, and you're planning to save $1000 each month.
If your goal is to accumulate a net worth of $1,000,000, it'll take you a whopping 52 years to reach that amount. However, that same million dollar goal can be achieved in half that time, 26 years to be exact, if invested with an average return of 8.1% per year
While it’s still a long period of time, investing can put this seemingly unachievable amount within the grasp of many. With the power of compounding interest, this can help fast track your financial goals. The longer your investments have to compound, the greater the potential they have to grow. Even modest contributions can grow into a significant sum over time. So it's best to start investing as early as you can.