core equity100

For investors seeking maximum exposure to global stocks for long-term gains.
100% equity with diversified exposure to over 5,000 stocks and automatic dividend reinvesting.
Designed using low-cost index ETFs and optimised with proven factors like value, size, and quality for superior long-term returns.
Managed in partnership with top asset managers, using decades of experience and proven track record.
CORE EQUITY100 is now SRS-eligible
Go beyond simply tax savings, and accelerate your retirement goals with our bank-beating returns.
Find out more

Smart Beta
investment strategy
Portfolio aims to maximise risk adjusted return by taking country and sector risk. Optimised by incorporating smart beta factors that enhances long term returns, reduces volatility, and improves diversification.
learn moreComposition
Access diversified, institutional-grade solutions
in one portfolio.
legend 1
legend 1
legend 1
legend 1
Last update: 31 May 2023 14:30 SGT
Stocks in US-listed technology companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Visa, Cisco, Intel etc
Stocks in US-listed technology companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Visa, Cisco, Intel etc
Stocks in US-listed technology companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Visa, Cisco, Intel etc
Stocks in US-listed technology companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Visa, Cisco, Intel etc
Stocks in US-listed technology companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Visa, Cisco, Intel etc
Past performance
Our Smart Beta strategy optimises your portfolio’s equity component to outperform the markets over time.
core equity100
Returns (8Y)
MSCI All Country World Index
(Global stocks)
core equity100
MSCI All Country World Index
Past returns are shown for illustrative purposes only. They are calculated before fees and in SGD terms unless otherwise specified. The past returns since inception (30 June 2020) are based on model portfolios returns which may not fully account for trading costs, tax implications and timing impacts. Past returns prior to portfolio inception date are based on our internal backtested data with information obtained from underlying fund managers. Past returns are not a guarantee for future performance.
Last update: 31st August 2024
Projected returns
Versus S$1,090,000 when left uninvested
+ $500 monthly investment for 15 years
Core Equity100
Forecast range
To forecast future returns, we use sophisticated techniques such as the forward-looking Monte Carlo simulation to determine a realistic range of return for you.
If the global financial environment is extremely positive then you might see this return. There is only a 5% likelihood your portfolio return will be at or above this number.
Median probability
If the global financial environment performs as expected then this is the median expected return. There is a 50% likelihood your portfolio return will be at or above this number.
If the global financial environment is extremely negative then you might see this return. There is 95% likelihood your return would be at or above this number.
Core Equity100
Forecast settings
The amount of money you are looking to pay in monthly instalments.

Investments focused on equity markets that seek to provide high level of capital appreciation over time.

The number of years you are planning to invest in this portfolio

Investments focused on equity markets that seek to provide high level of capital appreciation over time.

Featured ETFs in
your portfolio
Xtrackers S&P 500 Equal Weight UCITS ETF
Equal weighted exposure to top 500 US stocks.
iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF
Exposure to the S&P 500 Index, less fees and expenses of the Fund
VanEck Morningstar Wide Moat ETF
Exposure to attractively priced companies with sustainable competitive advantages.
Dimensional US Targeted Value ETF
Exposure to small and mid cap US value companies.
Comparing portfolios
Get started with or diversify your investments with a portfolio that best suits your needs.
core equity100
risk rating
annualised returns (8Y)
asset allocation
recommended investment horizon
(10+ years)
core growth
core balanced
core defensive
Moderate high
Moderate low
(5+ years)
(3+ years)
(2+ years)
Why invest with Syfe?
Learn how our Core portfolios stack against other strategies like traditional ETF investing.
syfe core
diy etf investing
cdp and brokerage account
Not required
expected returns
Per index
Dependent on
individual skill and experience
automatic dividend reinvestment
biannual rebalancing
management fees
All-inclusive fee at
0.25% to 0.65% p.a.
Commission and brokerage fees payable per trade
asset class
100 %
CapitaLand Ascott Trust
Real estate and real estate-related assets which are income-producing and predominantly used, as serviced residences, rental housing properties, and other hospitality assets.
CapitaLand Ascott Trust
Real estate and real estate-related assets which are income-producing and predominantly used, as serviced residences, rental housing properties, and other hospitality assets.
CapitaLand Ascott Trust
Real estate and real estate-related assets which are income-producing and predominantly used, as serviced residences, rental housing properties, and other hospitality assets.
CapitaLand Ascott Trust
Real estate and real estate-related assets which are income-producing and predominantly used, as serviced residences, rental housing properties, and other hospitality assets.
11.57 %
Industrial REITs 4
REITs Copy 2
Industrial REITs 4
Industrial REITs 4
Industrial REITs 4
Industrial REITs 4
11.57 %
Core Equity100
Past returns
MSCI All Country World Index
Index tracks large & mid cap reprentations across 23 Developed Markets

MSCI All Country World Index
Index tracks large & mid cap reprentations across 23 Developed Markets

11.57 %
MSCI All Country World Index
Index tracks large & mid cap reprentations across 23 Developed Markets

MSCI All Country World Index
Index tracks large & mid cap reprentations across 23 Developed Markets

11.57 %
MSCI All Country World Index
Index tracks large & mid cap reprentations across 23 Developed Markets

MSCI All Country World Index
Index tracks large & mid cap reprentations across 23 Developed Markets

11.57 %
What is Core Equity100?
Core Equity100 is 100% allocated to global equities. The portfolio holds equity ETFs which collectively invest in over 3,500 stocks of the world’s top companies.
Learn more here.
What ETFs are included in the Equity100 portfolio?
You can view the entire list after completing your Risk Analysis via the 'Get started’ button on our website or the ‘Add portfolio’ button on the Syfe client dashboard.
What is the risk of the Equity100 portfolio?
This portfolio carries the same risk as investing directly in equities. Your portfolio may be subject to significant losses during a market downturn.
Will the Equity100 portfolio include asset classes other than equities?
No. The Equity100 portfolio will maintain a long-term strategic asset allocation to 100% equity ETFs.
What is a factor, and why should I care?
First let’s consider the various investment options available to us. At one extreme we have passive index funds, which have low fees and track the performance of indices like the S&P 500 and MSCI World.
At the other extreme you could invest in an active fund, where individual stocks are chosen with the aim of outperforming their benchmark (typically the most appropriate index, e.g. MSCI World Index if selecting stocks globally). These have higher fees and can have larger swings in performance. In fact, the vast majority of the time, 87.98% (Source: S&P Global, as of Dec 31st 2023), these funds underperform their respective benchmarks.
Factor investing sits in between, but what is a factor I hear you ask… well, a factor is a characteristic that can help explain why certain groups of securities may perform the way they do in terms of risk and return.
The following are examples of factors; value (for under-valued companies), size (companies with smaller market capitalisations) and quality (companies with strong profitability, stable earnings etc.).
Academic research (notably Fama-French) shows that these characteristics explain significant amounts of stock performance over time. One can use factors to seek better risk-adjusted returns than simply following an index or trying to hand-pick stocks.
We find analogies often help, so let’s imagine we’re purchasing a car….
1. The passive approach would be to buy the standard model, which will be cost-efficient and gets us from point A to B.
2. The active approach would be to heavily modify the car, swapping out most of the parts. Whilst we may get a faster car, it could be more dangerous or we may significantly impact the reliability and long term durability.
3. The factor-based approach would be to add a few key upgrades which will most improve the car. We could invest in better tyres, fuel and brakes to enhance our mileage and safety, without sacrificing reliability.
Is Core Equity100 suitable for me?
Core Equity100 portfolio is designed for investors who want maximum exposure to global equities, and who are willing to take on higher systematic risks to potentially generate better returns relative to a traditional passive indexing strategy. For investors seeking low-risk investments, this portfolio may not be appropriate. To understand whether the Equity100 portfolio is suitable for you, please book an
complimentary appointment with our wealth experts.
How are the ETFs in Core Equity100 chosen?
Syfe selects ETFs that are liquid, and with low expense ratios to minimise costs and maximise returns.Additionally, Core Equity100 uses a Smart Beta strategy that takes into consideration the following factors: growth and value, volatility and country exposure. The portfolio also aims to achieve global diversification by investing in over 1,500 stocks from across the world through broad-based ETFs.
For more details. please refer to our explainer
Can I customize the ETFs in my Equity100 portfolio?
The ETFs in Core Equity100 have been selected to offer you the most efficient portfolio allocation and to to optimize your risk-adjusted returns. Changing the constituents may result in less than optimal returns.