Start your investment journey with Syfe. Register on our app by 13 April 2025, deposit S$100,000+ within 30 days, and unlock exclusive rewards like the latest iPhone, iPad, or MacBook.*

Start now

*For new-to-Syfe clients only. T&Cs apply.


Register an account with Syfe and ensure the promo code below is applied by 13 April 2025 to qualify.


Deposit at least S$100,000 of fresh funds within 30 days of promo code application into any combination of:

- Managed Portfolios
- Brokerage
- Cash+ Guaranteed (12 Months)


Our team will contact you via email to select your preferred device from the available reward tiers, based on your funding amount.

*Note that to be eligible for the promotion, you must maintain the required minimum cumulative net funding amount for 365 days after your 30-day funding period ends.

Reward Tiers

Deposit S$100,000+
Apple iPad 64GB.

Deposit S$200,000+
Apple iPhone 16 128GB

Deposit S$300,000+
Apple 13” MacBook Air M4 256GB or
iPhone 16 Pro 128GB

Deposit S$400,000+
Apple 14” MacBook Pro M4 512GB or iPhone 16 Pro Max 512GB

Learn more
Too High? No Worries. Our Fixed 6% Promotion Has Zero Minimum Deposit — Invest Your Way!

Any third-party names and third-party intellectual property referenced are and remain the property of their respective owners and do not represent endorsement by Syfe or suggest any relationship between them and Syfe. 



Invest in expertly managed portfolios, ranging from passive income and REITs, to global equities and more.




Trade stocks and ETFs across Singapore, U.S. and Hong Kong with the most intuitive Brokerage, and low, transparent fees.




Safe, stable, industry-beating returns on your SGD and USD savings, with guaranteed rates of up to 2.75% p.a., or flexible rates of up to 4.3% p.a.


The Syfe advantage

invest ON

Recurring transfers, automatic rebalancing, dividend reinvesting — we’ll do all the heavy lifting for you.

Stay in control

Check and update your portfolios anytime, anywhere with unlimited transfers and withdrawals.

enjoy fair, 

inclusive fees

Access all our portfolios, insights and tools from just 0.35% p.a.


How do I qualify for the Syfe Apple 2025 promotion?

New-to-Syfe clients who have not yet registered or funded their account can qualify by completing the following steps by 13 April 2025, 11:59 PM SGT:

1. Register for the promotion via [this link] or apply the promo code “SYFEAPPLE” to your account.
2. Deposit at least S$100,000 in qualifying funds within 30 days of applying the promo code into any of the following eligible portfolios:
a. Managed Portfolios (excluding SRS)
b. Brokerage
c. Cash+ Guaranteed 12 Months Term

Is there a minimum deposit amount I must make to enjoy the iPhone, iPad, or Macbook?

Yes, you must make a net deposit of at least S$100,000 within 30 days of applying the promo code. This means your total deposits, minus any withdrawals made during this period, must be at least S$100,000.

How long do the funds I deposit have to stay in my account?

You must maintain the minimum cumulative net funding amount required for your reward for 365 days after the end of your 30-day funding period. If your balance falls below this amount due to withdrawals, we may recover the cash value of your Apple device.

Impact of Market Fluctuations & Withdrawals:
- Capital gains, losses, and dividends will not affect your minimum balance requirement. This means you do not need to top up if your balance falls due to market fluctuations.
You are also allowed to withdraw gains or dividends without penalty.
- However, withdrawals of principal that bring your balance below the required minimum must be replaced within 14 days.
- If your balance is not restored within this period, we will invoice you for the value of the Apple device.

If the minimum net funding amount to qualify for your reward is S$100,000, you must maintain at least S$100,000 in net deposits throughout the 365-day holding period.
- If your balance drops below S$100,000 due to market fluctuations, no action is required.
- If you withdraw S$10,000 of your principal, bringing your balance to S$90,000, you must top up S$10,000 within 14 days to avoid being invoiced for the device.